Art Workshops & Events
Click on the events below to learn more. Please note, events are not hosted by us unless otherwise noted. We are not responsible for canceled events - always check before visiting/attending!
Jova Lynne’s practice is an exploration of the in-between—a pursuit to understand the spaces where identities, histories, and material worlds converge.
"Mi Isla y Yo" explores the journey toward liberation and autonomy from the perspective of a kid born Trans in Borínquen (Puerto Rico).
"Aggregate" examines relationships between the natural and constructed within a rust belt ecosystem.
Led by artist and art instructor Mandy Spisak, from Mindfully Made Arts, participants will learn to create a bird from upcycled textiles and wallpaper.
Join Great Lakes Brewing Company at the brewpub on Monday, March 24 from 6-8PM for a Pour Your Own Epoxy class.

Haley has always loved reviewing locations and being in the know about the best neighborhoods, restaurants, and events in Cleveland. This passion fuels each guide and article she creates for The Cleveland Bucket List. She hopes you enjoy her stories and guides and get inspired to create an adventure of your own!